I think someone turned Bexleigh's 'growing clock' to supersonic speed mode. What the heck?! Why is she 3 months already? Didn't she just come out? My little Squishy is growing up so fast :(
Well, as expected, I'm getting much grief from my peeps that I'm not blogging enough. I sorry. Izzz hard. :( I will say that hopefully in another few months, Bexleigh will be a little more self-sufficient allowing me to have some "extra" time to blog. I mean, at the rate she's growing, she'll probably be able to dress herself, change her own diaper, AND climb up on my lap when she's hungry by then.
Ok, on to my entry.
This past month has been filled with lots of new and exciting "firsts." Bexleigh had her 1st Christmas, her 1st New Years, AND her 1st Rose Bowl. 

Christmas was extra special this year because now we were a family of THREE! We decided to venture out and take Bex to the Christmas Eve Church service, and although I almost had 2 anxiety attacks --because O M G someone might breathe on her--I'm very glad we went. She did awesome for the most part. She did get a little hungry halfway through the service, who doesn't?!? So I ventured into the restroom and fed her in the handicapped stall, which I LATER found out from my good friend that they have NURSING ROOMS! That would have been great to know before I fed her on the porcelain throne-lol. The message was awesome as usual and we were so happy she could be a part of our family tradition.
Next up, was Christmas eve with my Dad's side of the family. We had a great time watching my niece & nephews tear into their gifts and play. I can't believe how big they are getting! Afterwards, we headed to Brian's aunt & uncle's to visit with some of the family and good family-friends. Alot of them got to meet Bexleigh for the first time-so fun! :) We then headed home to hopefully get a good night's sleep because Santa was coming in the morning at Grandma's house.
Santa was extra good to me because he let me get a full 6 hours of sleep that night for the 1st time ever! Whoo hoo! We woke up around 7am and got Bex into her "1st Christmas" attire and off to NeeNee's house we went. My mom had the house looking like the holidays, just as I remembered as a little kid. Now Bexleigh will get to enjoy that each year!
This year things went a little different, of course. It wasn't all about us anymore...it was now about Bexleigh! As soon as we got there I was hoping that she would be ready to eat, since she didn't feel like it when we first woke up. She didn't. She just wanted to sleep some more. So now I was left feeling like I was going to exploooooode. So off to my milking station I went--as I said this Christmas went way different from past years! LOL So now that Bexleigh was taking a snooze, we began opening presents for us, as well as for her. She got lots of new clothes (something she DID NOT NEED GRANDMA:) and some of the cutest learning toys I've ever seen. I think we had more fun playing with those!! Brian and I got a new camera--like paparazzi style! It's so fun and most importantly I can now capture those cute shots that my other camera kept missing! Best Christmas present EVA! ;) After Christmas with my mom, we came back to our house to do Christmas with Brian's Dad & brother. Bexleigh was extra sleepy still, so she snuggled the whole time with her Uncle Billy. It's always fun doing Christmas at our house, and we're looking forward to making that a "must" in the years to come since Bex will be older and will want to be home to play on Christmas Day.
Another fun 1st was NYE, which also happens to be Brian's birthday!
We had pizza & cake and played games all night. I surprised myself and actually stayed up until 1 a.m. and it wasn't because I had a crying baby that wouldn't go to sleep! New Years Day was spent relaxing at home and watching the Buckeyes pull out at win in the Rose Bowl! GO BUCKS!
This past week I started back to work, and the best part about it is Bexleigh gets to come with me! I'm starting her young! hehe It actually went pretty good. She has plenty to do while I work, thanks to Grandpa Bill setting my office up better than a daycare! It's the bomb!
(***ok many weeks later, because I STANK at this whole blogging business-lol***)
So now here we are nearing the last few days of her 3rd month and I can't believe how much she has changed already. Some of the fun things this month brought us are, she can totally track us and anyone now. She no longer looks like "Igore" from Young Frankenstein when she looks at you. She is OBSESSED with her newest toy; her hands.
She loves eating them, and sticking almost her whole fist in her mouth. Miss Slobber-puss is her newest nickname. Which also brings another "newby"... teething. Not-so-fun-for-any-of-us! Poor Bex, she's my lil drama queen already :*( I sure hope they give her a break, cuz this is gonna be a loooooong road ahead of us if not! Bexleigh had her 3 month pictures done recently and she is just the cutest lil girl in the whole wide world. duh. She broke her dad & my wallet for sure! Oh well, they are only this size once, and pictures are priceless! The last new thing that happened this month was our little pumpkin rolled over. LIKE REALLY ROLLED OVER! She was playing on her new Rainforest gym and I had her on her tummy (which she's MUCH better at) and we were just watching her as usual, and the all of a sudden...she was on her back?!? HOW did she get there? Brian and I cheered for her like she had just won the national championship for rolling over. Proud parents we are. 
I think I have covered everything that I needed to. Sorry if this seems a bit all over the place. I will TRY to be much better next month! ;) I REALLY PROMISE (HOLLY!)
Happy 2010, Readers.
Brian , Jenn & Bexleigh
Love the post....can't wait to meet the gold metalist of rolling over. Love you 3 tons!!