This girl is 4 months!
Me & Mommy
Me and Daddy
Fun times with my cousins!
Everything goes in my mouth :)
Big girl with Uncle Billy & Daddy
Trying to sit more :)
Ok. So clearly I'm not getting the "On top of it- Blogger of the year" award.
So here goes it. Bexleigh is growing at super sonic rates (we've discussed this before) and it is just nearly impossible to keep up with this child! lol This past month has been a FUN one! She had her 4 month check up and all was well- she weighed in at 12lbs 15oz, was 24.5 inches long and got a bit ol' thumbs up from the lady Doc. Well, sort of. Ya see, we had to see a different doctor this time since the another blizzard was due to hit our town about 2pm on the day of her appointment. SO, I called the peds office and asked if our doc could get her in earlier, since Brian would have to start his Plow-a-palooza again once the storm came. Well, our doc was unavailable, but there was another doc who was. We'll just call her Doctor "Shame on you guys." Let me exxxxxplain.
Ok, so after letting us know that Bex was doing great, she sat our child on the crunchy white paper and let go of her ( in a loving way- she's not a monster doctor-lol) and Bexleigh did the usual slump forward with her forehead touching her piggys. "Oh, Mommy's gonna have to work on your sitting." uhhh, ok. Next up, Doc holds Bex upright under the arm pits and she dangles her feet onto the crunchy white paper and tries to get Bex to stand up on her little chubby feet. What Doc does not know is that she is not a big fan of the standing game yet. Clearly, Doc realizes this when Bexleigh's rubber-band legs give out on her as she tries to make her "stand." "Oh, Mommy's going to have to work on your standing." REALLY? ALL MOMMY'S FAULT?!? DAD is sitting right here in the chair!? I mean, Bexleigh was 4 months. She totally should have been able to do the first 8 counts of The Nutcracker by now, right? I mean, that's what all the other 4 month-ers Ms Doctor has seen thus far can do. Ugh, whatever. Thank goodness all my friends who have kids made me feel MUCH better when I told them of this silly little visit. Silly Doctor, Standing & Sitting is for Kids. NOT BAYBEES!
Ok moving on. NOW, Bexleigh is enjoying a little bit of standing here and there but wants NOTHING to do with that sitting biddnesss. She arches her back so strongly when you try to make her sit. I think she might walk before she sits. lol Ms. Doctor will be proud. We got her some jumpy toys and have been trying to sit her in her Bumbo chair a few times a day to get her on board for sitting. Ever since Bexleigh's 3 month picture appointment, she has been a pro at tummy time- Way to go Big Girl! She is starting to babble a little more and has THE cutest little voice in the whole wide world! She's gumming things a lot more now and really chewing on her bink & her toys. We have had several play dates with our cousins, friends and their kids- it is one of our most favorite things to do! We also gave Bex her 1st and 2nd attempt at Rice Cereal, just for a taste. She was kinda weirded out by it. We shall try again more regularly at 6 months.
We had her first Valentine's Day and unfortunately due to our lovely weather it was spent inside, with an hour and a half of Daddy's time. He plowed for several days straight and took a break to come home and have dinner with his girls :) We loved him for it!
The next month has a few things coming up for Bexleigh! We are taking her to Columbus for her 1st "official" trip away from home. I am so excited to see how she does! She also gets to see her NY Auntie Holly and meet Matt for the first time! SO fun :)
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