Where O' Where has the time gone!?! I guess I really wasn't aware when I said I would try to keep up with this blog and not let it get out from under my feet! WELL IT'S HARDER THAN I THOUGHT PEOPLE! LOL Especially since my lovely baby girl only likes to nap for a hot minute!
Well, I better do some serious catching up...so here it goes.
Bexleigh turned 2 months, twice. You see, it's very very very confusing to have a child. The doctor likes to go by the number of weeks a child is-- makes total sense, right? 4 weeks would naturally equal 1 month. BUT, there's always the "she was born on the 12th, so wouldn't she be a new month older every 12th?" Oi vey. So anyways, she's officially 2 months old no matter how you wanna count your chickens. This past month has been really fun. Bexleigh is now smiling and making strong eye contact with humans (I'm making her sound like an alien or something!) She is starting to recognize her toys and loves to read books, especially with her Daddy. We had her 2 month well-baby check up last week and she is growing wonderfully. The Doc says she is doing great and would see us at her 4 month check-up. She is up to 10lbs 8oz and 22.25 inches long! I can't believe I'm toting a 10 pounder around! Sheesh, my arms are gonna be smokin' HAWWWT! She is currently wearing 0-3 months clothes and some of her newborn outfits still fit her, but not for long. I must say, I'm quite proud of myself-- she wore EVERY SINGLE newborn outfit she owned! Now, this next set may be difficult. She has a TON of clothes, that's why I'm getting a head start now! lol "Bex, I'm sorry you feel like you're wearing a parachute...we must get through all these clothes!"
The holidays are approaching rather quickly and I'm super excited to celebrate Bexleigh's 1st Christmas! Even though she's so tiny she won't even know what's going on, it will still be very fun for us :~) She does have her very own, pink Christmas tree in her room and it is so adorable! Bexleigh loves looking at lights, especially Christmas tree lights! 
Another new obsession is Bexleigh's Whale Tub. She LOVES to take baths in it! It has a little seat in there, or a "butt stopper" as I like to refer to it as, that she can just hang out and kick her legs and splash up a storm. It's so cute! She smiles and "talks" and just has a good ol' time in there. 
As far as her sleeping, we're still working on that one. She will not sleep longer than 20mins-45mins during her naps in her bed during the day. Maybe that's all she wants/needs, maybe not- I don't know. At night, I attempted to get her in her pack n play through the night and that is still a disaster. She will only sleep for about an hour to two hour stints if she's in that thing through the night, which = a very tired Mommy. When she sleeps with me (yes, I said it and I'm not afraid to admit it so BACK OFF! LOL ) we get the best sleep E-V-E-R. She will usually stay asleep for about 5 hours for the first stretch (PTL!) and then about 3 hours for the next. I know, I know, "She's gonna be in your bed until she's 10!" Hey, if it means I can get some decent shut eye....BRING IT ON! No, but seriously, this is what is working for the time being. I'm working on transitioning her into a place of her own, but it'll happen when it's time. I take full blame for "spoiling" her when she was so brand new. What can I say... I love me some Bexleigh! :)~
Well, I hear Miss Princess stirring, so I better wrap it up. I will see you in another month with lots of new happenings from the Holidays. SO, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HOLIDAYS & HAPPY NEW YEAR To ALL our wonderful Readers :)
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