Oh, I can't even begin to explain how long I've waited for this day to COME!!! I've always said, "when her furniture gets here it will really feel real." Well, I was right...it sure does feel like we're really going to have a 3rd person living here with us soon. OMG! (minor freak out...)
The day began at 11:45am with the delivery guys bringing in and setting up ALL of her pieces. That was a huge plus- I can't imagine if we would have had to put it all together- with my patience levels these days we might not still be married. JOKING! lol But seriously... it was nice to have someone else do it and we know it was done correctly and she won't end up on the floor one morning! After the delivery guys left, my Mom came up to help us put everything in its place. We made up her bed and it is soooo DIVA!!! We put all the books, picture frames, and little decorations on her dressers. While we worked on her room, Brian gave her bathroom drawers a fresh coat of white paint. Now the bathroom is ready for her goodies!
Brian and his fabulous freshly painted vanity.
NeeNee making her perfect bows for Bexleigh :)
Her changing dresser & hutch and Oh So Cute Littlest Pink chair.
All of her goodies.
Her nightstand & chest of drawers.
Her bed all finished.
After we got everything the way we wanted, we decided it was time to tackle her insane wardrobe. It is cRaZy how many articles of clothing she has and she's not even here yet!? It took roughly 5 hours to wash and fold everything! Momma was slightly exhausted, but it felt so good to have it done. My mom and I spent the rest of the evening putting her tiny clothes away in the drawers and hanging her outfits back in her closet. It's just so exciting knowing that she will soon be here to use her brand new room. The only problem is...my Mama Cat now thinks she has died and gone to heaven thinking we bought all this new stuff for her...man is she gonna be quite disappointed! 
Mama kitty enjoy *her* new stroller.
Little kitty taking her first nap in the bed.
Mama kitty enjoying *her* new bed.
Like I said before, I feel like we are 90% ready for Bexleigh to come now that she actually has a bed and most of her necessities. I just have to find wall decor to finish off her fabulous room. Now all that is left is for us to install her car seat bases in both of our vehicles and to pack our hospital bag. We are very excited to meet her--only about 5 weeks left!!
Thanks again to all the people who contributed to our Furniture & Bedding gift card!!! We looooove everything!
Jenn :)
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