Ok so pardon me, these past few weeks have been a little crazy, hectic, etc. It is coming down to the end and I can see the finish line! I only have 7 more weeks to go until Bexleigh is fully cooked and ready to bust into this world (unless she decides to come out early or...ahem... late.) Things have been going mostly well. This past week I have been experiencing some mild-medium cramping and it feels like she has completely run out of room. She is pushing a ton more now and loves to jab me in my ribs with her little feet. So far the sciatica mess is still gone and hoping it stays that way. That was no party folks. I am now going to the doctor every 2 weeks and Brian and I will be starting our child birth education classes this Monday...he is thrilled (said with much sarcasm!) As much as some of it will be a little over dramatic, I'm sure we'll learn a few good things along the way! ;-)
A few weekends ago I had my first Baby shower and it was very fun. It was also a very special day of remembering Bexleigh's Grandma Patty, who we lost 6 years ago on that date. There's not a second that goes by that my heart breaks that she is not physically here to share all the wonderful things that are happening in our lives, but she is always with us in our hearts and I know she is watching down on us and will be smiling the day Bexleigh arrives. I cannot wait to tell our daughter how wonderful, special, and beautiful her Daddy's Mom was. 
Grandma Patty's Memorial Flowers at the shower. We miss you!
I had so many good friends there to celebrate this special time in our lives. We got a ton of very useful and adorable things for little Miss Bexleigh. She is spoiled rotten already...look out! My 2 best friends from New York, Holly & Jenny D, flew in to celebrate with us and it was so nice to have them here! We've been through a lot together and it meant the world to have them here for this special day! My mom can definitely throw one heck of a par-tay! Holly's mom, Suzie, flew in from California to visit and help with the shower and we don't know what we would have done without her- she is amazing! My sister, aunt, and other 2 bffs, Katy and Amber, helped out with the shower as well, and without them- it wouldn't have been the success that it was! So many wonderful people putting their time and energy into my shower day was very much appreciated- LOVE YOU ALL!!! :)
Mom & Mama Suz- they can throw PARTIES!!
My Aunt & Sister holding down the food station!
Holly, Me & Jen geting ready to head to my shower!
The Candy bar was a hit!
The beautiful tables each with yummy cupcakes made by Katy & Amber!
All the clothes my Mom bought for Bexleigh! She's my child alright~
Me, Holly, Teena & Jen- love these girls to pieces!
Bexleigh's Fanti's- Mckenzi, Amber, Jo, (Me), Katy, & April (baking Jackson as we speak)
Daddy Brian showed up just in time for dessert and to load the car!
Where are we going to put all this stuff! So fun!!!
I have one more shower coming up this weekend and we are looking forward to seeing more of our family and friends! Bexleigh's room & closet are getting filled with lots of fun stuff and we have scheduled for our furniture and bedding to be delivered in 2 weeks! I absolutely CANNOT wait to put her room together! Pictures to come...stay tuned!
I believe I mentioned a few posts ago that we were having our 4d ultrasound done, and that Bexleigh did NOT cooperate for the 1st appointment, so they let us come back for a 2nd attempt. Wellllllllllllll, she didn't cooperate then either. SO, they were nice enough to let us come back for a 3rd try. We went this past weekend and after about 20 minutes of Bexleigh still being a little stinker, the ultrasound tech lady decided she was going to tilt the bed backwards, basically putting me in "headstand" position. " Brian, we're gonna have you stand behind her to make sure she doesn't slide off..." Mmkay?!? Well, it worked! She slid up a little bit out of the birthing tunnel just enough so we could see a much clearer image of her beautiful little face than we've gotten the last two attempts! YAY! She has the most beautiful lips I've ever seen- definitely got those from her daddy! We got a 30+ minute dvd of her moving around from all 3 appointments and it is such a special keepsake! I'm so glad we decided to do this! Now I REALLY can't wait to meet her :)
Hey pretty girl :)
Sticking her tongue out already :)
Next up- our 33wk appointment & NeeNee's birthday! Happy (early) Birthday Momma!!! LOVE YOU! :)
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