30 weeks 1 day!
Hello Friends & Fam...
It is almost down to single digits... I have 10 weeks left of this pregnancy shindig and can't believe we made it to this point so quickly! Bexleigh is somewhere around 3lbs and 15.7in long and she is having a ball in her little nest. The coolest thing happened the other night as Brian and I got in bed....we felt her FOOT! OMG! It was so wild. I've been able to feel her head/butt a lot lately because of her little tricks she likes to play, but never any limbs. I had my hand on my stomach and she pushed that little foot so hard I thought it just might come through my skin. It was the coolest thing I have felt yet. Brian put his hand on next to see if she'd do it again, and sure enough she did! He said that was the hardest kick he could ever imagine! We may have a lil soccer player on our hands people!
I am still feeling pretty good, but starting to get "uncomfortable" whether it's sitting, standing, or laying. As much as I want her to continue cooking, I'm just about ready to punch my time card in... mama's ready to be done. I wouldn't mind sharing my birthday with her if she wanted to debut, oh say....23 days early?!? I'm just being honest here. We have scheduled our "learn how to deliver & become a mommy & daddy" classes and they start in 2 weeks. Brian, although not thrilled about going, will see how much better he will feel after seeing what kind of treat he got himself into. ;-D Fun stuff-can't wait!
NeeNee just finished painting the nursery and it looks awesome!
Her bedroom with fresh white paint!
This is her bedding fabric.
I can't wait to start filling her room with all her goodies she will soon be getting at our shower this weekend :) Her bathroom is now finished and I couldn't be more in love with it. The cats are having a hard time learning that this is no longer their "drinking hub" and that they will have to share soon. ewwwwwww boy 
Wall color is fabulous!
Bexleigh's towels.
Full view of bathroom.
The sink & goodies.
Mama gettin her drink on!
On a semi-exciting note, we traveled to get our 4d ultrasound this weekend in hopes that we would get to see our beautiful baby girl's face and to watch her wiggles in action. PUNKED! Again, our child decided she was NOT going to cooperate for the nice ultrasound lady and they placed her file in the "bad baby" section. How sad! Bexleigh is head down (a plus!) and she is buried in my hip with her face smashed against my uterine wall. Basically, my child has her face pressed up against the glass--how cute. When we did get to see glimpses of her face, she had her hands covering most of it. She likes to Vogue-that's my girl. However, a few awesome things did come out of the appointment. 1- We DO get to go back for a 2nd attempt to catch her in action and try to see a clearer image of her face. 2- We did get a few shots to take home with us that showed her cute little lips, nose & hands. 3- We got to hear her heartbeat again in surround sound and it was still as amazing as ever. So we didn't leave empty handed, but I guess my little girl is not the "performer" that I thought she would be! Oh well! I can see it now... She'll be the one on stage at her dance recital- arms crossed, bottom lip out, brows bent in- REFUSING to do the dance she practiced all year. Lovely.
Well it's time to feed the little diva--so have a good week everyone!
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