Hello. I know, it's been awhile. I'M SORRY!!!!! I've just been soooooo busy relaxing that I just haven't found a free minute to blog, but today I did. ;)

Let's see..what has been going on in the little world that PSK is living in currently. Bexleigh is definitely one active child, and that's putting it mildly. Her typical day includes waking me up with her wiggles, kicks, and punches around 6am and pretty much continues all day long, with a few short naps squeezed in there. She LOVES to be on my bladder, which you can imagine what kind of fun that creates for me. "Gotta go, gotta go, gotta go right now....look out please. (tinkle tinkle) ahhhh. ----27 seconds later---- Are you kidding me, I gotta go again?!? -----sit down...nothing. ARE you serious!?! " It goes a lil something like that for hours at a time. We have gotten her on video a few times and wow is that a sight to see. So fun!
As for me, I'm still feeling pretty good. I can tell that my energy is slowly leaving me once again though. I'm still able to do a few Zumba classes a week, along with some walking at night, but that's starting to get more and more challenging. Bexleigh is growing and taking up more room in my belly and I still feel the stretching from time to time, which is still a little uncomfortable. It's actually getting harder to get in and out of my SUV, but I'm not sure a car would be any better. Last night I was getting out of the car and felt a horrible pull in my right side of my abdomen. Pretty sure I ripped my ab muscles to shreds. :( It's feeling better today, so I'm sure not too much damage could have been done. Who knew such easy tasks could become so challenging. I'm sure its only begun! LOL
Tomorrow I get to have my sugar test to see if I have Gestational Diabetes. Marvelous. Let's hope and pray that I DON'T because, I SUCK at following strict rules when it comes to eating. I promise if I'm cleared from this GD I'll cut back on the Kit Kats. PLEASE!!
Ok, that's about all I can do today. I have a NYC trip coming up that I will have lots to talk about. So until then, LOVES!~
27 week belly pic
27 week belly pic front, basketball-esque view
27 week dissappearing feet angle
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