Saturday, June 13, 2009


It is hard to imagine, but today marks my halfway point. I am 20wks pregnant and wow, did that fly by! I can remember around 6wks reading my "What to expect when you're expecting" book and thinking how far away 20 weeks seemed. That would be the time when we could find out what we would be having, the time that I could start noticing the baby moving, and most importantly, the unbelievable sickness that I was experiencing should be gone by that point. Can I getta AMEN?! Well, that time has come at lightening speed. We are thrilled about having a little girl, I have officially now started feeling little Bexleigh a little bit each day, and YES, the awful morning/noon/night sickness has gone to pester some other preggo. Now, if I could just get this mucus factory & sinus garbage under wraps I'd be in tip top shape. Fat chance, preggo!

What's up next: The Nursery. I spent this week looking at a million websites trying to find the most perfect room ideas for Lil B. There were so many really cool Black, Pink & White themed rooms that I really loved because they were so chic. I thought I had it all figured out until it got shot down by Daddy. His input is important to me, so I went back to the drawing board. I've decided that I'm going to find bedding that we both agree on first, and then let the rest fall into place. At this point, I am pretty sure we found the nursery furniture that we both like. Sheesh, I thought this was going to be a piece of cake! ;)

I must admit, although I have been REALLY good about shopping, I did indulge a little yesterday. I mean, come on people...I got a 30% -er on my Kohl's magazine, which is pretty much amazing so I couldn't resist. Lil B should arrive in the Fall-almost-Winter time, so of course the stores don't really have that stuff out yet. Here's a lil sneak peek of what I've bought so far...

And this is what her Great Grandma Sandi bought her....

SOOOO fun! I can't wait to get more!!!

I feel like the bump is starting to be a little more pronounced this weekend. Bexleigh is about the size of a Banana and should be hanging out somewhere right behind my belly button. She's right around 10 1/2 ounces and measures at about 10 inches from head to heal. I am at a total weight gain of 13 lbs, and still have no signs of any swelling, stretch marks (Can I getta nutha AMEN!) or those spider veins thus far. Let's hope that continues! I've been using my Burt's Bees Belly Butter by the gallon. Feel free to send me some in the mail-love you lots if you do. That stuff is like gold to me! My appetite is still going strong and I don't think I have any new cravings. Although, I did see a commercial for doughnuts this week and HAD to have a cream stick immediately. Love you Mom! Other than that, it's still pretty much the same as last week; egg salad sandwiches from Dagwood's, corn on the cob, & popcorn. Oh, and my new favorite tasty treat: Kit Kat's. MMMMMM.

Well, it's time for this girl to head to bed so that I can get up 342 times to pee through the night. No, really, it's fun. You should try it sometime. I love going to church with HUGE bags under my eyes. Sweet dreams and here's a 20wk picture of my Lovely Lady Lump. Night!


  1. Oh MY GAAA!!! Your belly is soo big!!! Can't wait to see you next week punkins! xoxoxo love you!!!!


  2. How stinkin' cute are you?????? Sounds like you are having fun--Maybe grandma will just order you a black, white and pink diaper bag from Get A Pursenality to feed your craving for the nursery you want!!
