What an exciting day we had this past Saturday. We had our "Baby Gender Announcement Party." The day started with getting the food prepared(Thanks Nat!) and putting the finishing touches on the backyard (Thanks so much Mom & Bobby!) We were preparing to have mini hamburgers and mini "babies in a blanket" along with potato salad, the famous Bobby's baked beans, and chips & dip. Oh, and let's not forget about my latest obsession...popcorn.

All the guests started arriving around noon and right from the start people were trying to get Brian and I to slip up with the baby's sex. It was already hard enough that we had to hold it in for a day! After we made sure everyone had arrived, we dove right into the food. You don't have to tell a pregnant woman twice to start eating! Everything tasted sooooo good and was just the way I had hoped it would turn out. 

After everyone finished up their plates and conversations, we decided it was time to play "the game." Brian and I had put together a list of questions about our childhood and our family had to try to get them correct. Each family member that answered correctly got to pick a combination code from a cup & try to see if it would unlock the box that was holding our "it's a girl" ultrasound picture inside. Our cousin Kelly got the first correct answer and after trying her code...no luck.
My Mom and Dad both had the next answer correct, so we decided to give them both a shot at the box. The question was What was my first pet's name? Mom: Boots! (Boots was my family's dog they had before I was born.) Me: Yes, Mom, but what was MY first pet's name? Dad: Beatlebomb! You had 3 rabbits all named Beatlebomb! My Dad went first since he "technically" got the answer correct :) It was a trick question. My Dad tried his code,
and also had no luck. Now it was Mom's turn. She tried her code and voila! It opened!
She pulled the picture out and....."IT'S A GIRL!!!!!" Everyone was excited and it was fun to see who guessed right. Now that the news was out, I went in and grabbed dessert... Hot pink sprinkled cupcakes..mmmmm.

The day was really fun with our family members. We had several unable to attend and we wished they could have joined in the fun. We get to go back July 6th for our next appointment and another ultrasound. Very much looking forward to seeing Bexleigh again!!
I'm currently 19wks 4days and still feeling good. I'm feeling little Bexleigh every once in a while, especially after I drink orange juice or eat apples. She is not a big fan of Doritos (dangit!) or The Yard (double dangit! ) I'm still waiting to feel her more regularly. Monday I was sneezing my head off and cursing my allergies. I woke up yesterday morning with a very sore throat. Today, full blown swollen glands and throat-on-fire! I broke down and called the Doc this morning and patiently waiting the plan to put out this fire. I'm not feeling too miserable other than the sore throat and swollen glands. There is no need for me to be dramatic about this one, which is why I'm nipping it in the butt before it takes off into a sinus infection gone bad. First up after baby comes... TONSILS OUT IMMEDIATELY IF NOT SOONER! On to Brian...he is being so great as a Dad-to-be. He loves rubbing my Buddha belly and he kisses her goodnight and good morning every day. We've been looking at different nursery theme ideas and are hoping to get started on her room in next month or so. Very fun stuff ahead!
I'm getting excited for a trip coming up. My Mom and I are heading to California at the end of this month to attend my best friend Holly's bridal shower and to help her and her Mom plan for her big day! It will be a nice girly getaway with fabulous people that I miss so much! Can't wait!!!
Well that's about all for today. The Doc just called me in some amoxicilin again, so I'm off to get that in my system. Happy Wednesday people.
Jenn :)
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