Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Father's Day
I know this post is a little late but it's been a hectic week! Sunday we celebrated all the wonderful Father's in our lives. The day started out with Brian opening his first Father's Day card and his new snazzy, much needed cargo shorts. We then headed for church to meet Brian's Dad & brother and had an awesome time- they had the band "Worth Dying For" from California there to lead worship and they were soooo good! I got their CD--tres magnifique! After church, we headed to the club with the Bill & Bob family to have brunch. Mine was horrible. I had a burnt pancake followed by a half dollar size portion of what was supposed to be a scrambled egg, but in fact was really just a small pile of high cholesterol and clogged arteries. Didn't eat that either. So basically Bexleigh got to enjoy a glass of yummy Chocolate milk and 14 cups of popcorn from the grill room. yummm Brian, Billy & their Dad had lined up a game of golf afterwards, and I headed to Bobby's for a cookout. The food was so delicious there- burgers, hot dogs, chips & dip, cheesy potatoes, green beans, salad, and............ taco dip; my absolute favorite, apparently not so much Bexleigh's. After eating we all hung around the pool and had a nice time chatting. Brian had finally called to let me know he was done golfing so I got everything ready and headed for home with an all-of-a-sudden-not-so-good-feeling in my tummy. I pulled in the garage, raced in the house and face planted onto the couch. Literally. My stomach was now in excruciating pain and I felt so nauseous. What was going on!?! Brian was a little confused as well. Then all of a sudden...I ran to the bathroom and HOLY TACO DIP! I forgot how much I hated yacking. I sat there for a minute wondering what this was all about and then returned to the couch to lay down. It was so bizarre.
After laying down for a while and feeling somewhat better, we got changed to head to the park to visit with my Dad. Every Sunday my Dad runs free summer shows in the park and they bring a lot of people. It's great entertainment and very relaxing. We sat on a bench and listened to the band of the night and they were really fun! They played a lot of the same music my Dad used to play back in the days of his band. It was a great time hanging with my Dad there and watching him do what he absolutely loves and is really good at. The entire day was very awesome with our Dads!
Today I am 21wks 4days along and still feeling really good. I am officially done teaching Zumba and feeling pretty bittersweet about it. I love teaching soooooo much but it's just getting too hard to keep up the energy needed to lead a class. SO, I will now be a student and take the class at my own pace! Looking forward to that. I am feeling Bexleigh a lot more regularly now, but they are still pretty "light" jabs or kicks. She is just a lil peanut and from what I hear, they can remain "light" as long as she wishes!! I'm sure Kung Fu Baby will be here soon enough. I am really starting to enjoy my summer now and looking forward to leaving for California soon! It is going to be wedding planning central for my best friend Holly, and my mom and I get to share in that process and attend one of her bridal showers. I absolutely loved every second of my wedding planning and I am so excited to share some of hers with her and her mom! It will be one super fun girls weekend! I'll be sure to blog about it when I return! This is Bexleigh's first trip out of state! We hope Daddy has a good time while we're gone (and gets the bed moved out of the soon-to-be nursery so we can get started on it!! wink wink!)- we will miss him bunches!!
Well that's all for now....until next time,
Saturday, June 13, 2009
And this is what her Great Grandma Sandi bought her....
SOOOO fun! I can't wait to get more!!!
I feel like the bump is starting to be a little more pronounced this weekend. Bexleigh is about the size of a Banana and should be hanging out somewhere right behind my belly button. She's right around 10 1/2 ounces and measures at about 10 inches from head to heal. I am at a total weight gain of 13 lbs, and still have no signs of any swelling, stretch marks (Can I getta nutha AMEN!) or those spider veins thus far. Let's hope that continues! I've been using my Burt's Bees Belly Butter by the gallon. Feel free to send me some in the mail-love you lots if you do. That stuff is like gold to me! My appetite is still going strong and I don't think I have any new cravings. Although, I did see a commercial for doughnuts this week and HAD to have a cream stick immediately. Love you Mom! Other than that, it's still pretty much the same as last week; egg salad sandwiches from Dagwood's, corn on the cob, & popcorn. Oh, and my new favorite tasty treat: Kit Kat's. MMMMMM.
Well, it's time for this girl to head to bed so that I can get up 342 times to pee through the night. No, really, it's fun. You should try it sometime. I love going to church with HUGE bags under my eyes. Sweet dreams and here's a 20wk picture of my Lovely Lady Lump. Night!
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Baby Bexleigh's Gender Announcement Party!!

Saturday, June 6, 2009
It's A......... GIRL
Happy Saturday everyone! I'm off to our Baby Announcement Party!!! After that, I shall post this blog entry :)
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
What's been going on lately...let's see here. I am now done with this past dance school year. We had our recital on Thursday and Friday and it was a huge success and such a great time. Our performance company did their rendition of "Aladdin" and it is by far my favorite show they have put on thus far. The kids are so talented it was so much fun to watch!
As for in the belly, I finally felt PSK move yesterday while I was getting a much needed massage. It was exactly how the books described it--like little popcorn popping! Such a cool, and strange feeling. I hope it continues to get more clear so I know exactly what's going on in there. I'm still NOT sleeping well at all, which scares me because what does that mean my sleep will be when I'm huge and swollen? Fantastic.
I'm 18wks 3 days and still feeling awesome. I'm teaching Zumba 2 days a week through the summer (hopefully PSK lets me get through the summer!) and working at the office a few days a week. My days off will likely be spent at the pool working on my "Trophy Wife" status. You heard me.
I'm so nervous for this ultrasound because then 'it' will be SO REAL! We have names picked out and will come as soon as we find out the sex. So far, I have had 2 girl dreams and as of last night, 1 boy dream. Hmmm what will it be!?! Is it Friday yet?!?
PSK- in a few days I will be able to start calling you by your name- very exciting! Keep growing in there and we are so excited to see what you look like on the screen this Friday and hopefully get our first of many pictures of you. We love you so much and PLEASE don't be shy for your big debut!!!
Brian & Jenn :)