Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SUBWAY....Eat Fresh!

Ok, this is getting reeeeediculous! I now have a new craving that is starting to scare me just a little bit! Saturday night Brian and I were headed to a local deli that has good food that I will actually eat since I'm so picky, only to find out they were CLOSED. Now what?!? Well, Subway was across the street and although I wasn't really a fan of Subway at this point in time, it was basically our only option other than fast food or pizza (which we've been eating way too much of, pizza that is!) SO...I agreed to eat there figuring I would just get a boring turkey sub, warmed of course so that I don't get meat heebeejeebees from eating cold meat. I went about my business, ordered my veggies, grabbed some apples & water and sat down to try to stomach this unfamiliar meal. I took one bite and I was in love. It was the most brilliant, amazing concoction that I had come up with and I couldn't get enough of it. Those who know me KNOW that I do not really love food this much, so this CLEARLY is due to the lil one growing inside me.

It is now Wednesday, and I have had Subway, the same exact sandwich of course, 5 times and will be having another one delivered to me while I'm teaching dance tonight bringing the total to now 6 times in 3 days. EwwwwwBoyyyyy... After having it for dinner last night, 2 hours later I was hungry for it again, but Brian said he would be absolutely mortified if I made him go back. He doesn't know what he's in for! :) I may have to hit up multiple Subways in the area before I start looking really pregnant or else the workers may think I'm nuts!

Well there it post about Subway. Mmm just saying it makes me hungry for it. Major brownie points to anyone who brings me Subway. I will leave my order below. Peace.

6in Turkey on Wheat TOASTED, No cheese, Cucumbers, Pickles, Salt & Pepper, Mustard, & Lite Mayo. Side of Doritos or Apples (depends on my mood) & Bottle of Water.

Love you PSK... thank you for making me crave Subway and not Bigmac's or loaded cheese fries. My thighs will thank you for it later :)

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