Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Big Mac & Fries 0 - Dry Cheerios & Lemons 1

Well, I just thought I may be one of those lucky ones that will beat the inevitable case of morning sickness. I was ecstatic since my was telling me since the beginning that "you may be feeling nauseated, sick, etc" and since I, in fact, was NOT, I assumed it was skipping me :) ............ WRONG! Last Friday, was the first day of it, and whoa it hit me like a ton of bricks. Literally. I did not get off the couch from 2pm-midnight and just could not fight this feeling of being hungover or being on a rocking boat. "GET ME OFF THIS BOAT!" I tried to listen to my stomach to see what it thought would make me feel better. CLEARLY a Bigmac, Fries, & Salt & Vinegar chips was NOT the answer. I mean, it always worked in college?!? The rest of the weekend through yesterday was slightly better than Friday, and today I actually feel some relief. I have been getting wonderful advice from lots of pregnant ladies and moms and have tried some of their tricks. It was suggested to eat something BEFORE I even attempt to get out of bed. Well when you have to pee at 5 AM does that mean I need to have room service at 4:45????? Geesh. Brian came up with a plan to keep a cup of dry cheerios on my nightstand and then when I awake, simply start munchin'! So far it is working wonderfully, even though my husband thinks he's being woken up by a squirrel in his bed every morning! Oh, and the lemons. There's something about lemons that's supposed to calm things down in there. Good call. I have been eating lemons by the WHOLE. That's right. Whole lemons. Yum. I know this is all going to be worth it in the end, and that this whole sickness bizz means that everything is working the way it's supposed to, but I really do miss my usual self that is bubbly and energetic every morning and throughout the day.

Oh well, anything for you little Poppy Seed, anything for you.

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