Monday, March 23, 2009

Helllloooooo Elastic!

Well I had a very fun, mostly morning sickness-free weekend! We had our annual reunion with friends Holly & Matt in Columbus and had a blast. We spent Saturday at Easton and while everyone else shopped, I ended up at Cheesecake Factory. whoops! My new jam right now is the Fresh Strawberry Cheesecake and I was ecstatic to find out that you can get any cheesecake shipped to you...wherever! That may end up being a problem, but a good one of course ;) What a fabulous weekend with such fabulous people :)

We had our first OB appointment today and it went very well. First, we met with the billing lady, who was so very nice, to inform us that having a child will cost us 3 arms and 4 legs since we are both SELF EMPLOYED. Fun. Then, we sat in a room and played 21 questions with the nurse and I feel slightly overwhelmed with all these new testing options that they give you these days. What to do, what to do. We have our next appointment April 10 for testing and bloodwork (eeeeek!) and we will also get to hear the heartbeat!! Fun stuff.

Following our appointment, I broke down and bought a few maternity items. I just can't stand my youth jeans any longer. I got a pair of jeans, yoga pants, a dress, new sports bras, and a belly band. I think I may live in my yoga pants.

Well, I'm off to take a nap before dance! Enjoy :)


Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Big Mac & Fries 0 - Dry Cheerios & Lemons 1

Well, I just thought I may be one of those lucky ones that will beat the inevitable case of morning sickness. I was ecstatic since my was telling me since the beginning that "you may be feeling nauseated, sick, etc" and since I, in fact, was NOT, I assumed it was skipping me :) ............ WRONG! Last Friday, was the first day of it, and whoa it hit me like a ton of bricks. Literally. I did not get off the couch from 2pm-midnight and just could not fight this feeling of being hungover or being on a rocking boat. "GET ME OFF THIS BOAT!" I tried to listen to my stomach to see what it thought would make me feel better. CLEARLY a Bigmac, Fries, & Salt & Vinegar chips was NOT the answer. I mean, it always worked in college?!? The rest of the weekend through yesterday was slightly better than Friday, and today I actually feel some relief. I have been getting wonderful advice from lots of pregnant ladies and moms and have tried some of their tricks. It was suggested to eat something BEFORE I even attempt to get out of bed. Well when you have to pee at 5 AM does that mean I need to have room service at 4:45????? Geesh. Brian came up with a plan to keep a cup of dry cheerios on my nightstand and then when I awake, simply start munchin'! So far it is working wonderfully, even though my husband thinks he's being woken up by a squirrel in his bed every morning! Oh, and the lemons. There's something about lemons that's supposed to calm things down in there. Good call. I have been eating lemons by the WHOLE. That's right. Whole lemons. Yum. I know this is all going to be worth it in the end, and that this whole sickness bizz means that everything is working the way it's supposed to, but I really do miss my usual self that is bubbly and energetic every morning and throughout the day.

Oh well, anything for you little Poppy Seed, anything for you.