Thursday, April 23, 2009

Sinuses Schminuses

Green snot, bloody boogs, hocking loogies, headaches from H-E-double-hockey-sticks.....yes I had the pleasure of experiencing ALL of this the past 7 days. I get sinus infections just about every month, so this wasn't like a total surprise to me, BUT, in the past, I would simply get an antibiotic and be on my merry way. Now that I'm pregnant and have been scurrrrred to death by the doctors, books, and other preggos/already moms, I know now that you CANNOT take ANYTHING during pregnancy. Well, last Thursday there was no Superwoman in me that was going to survive this sinus infection. It was the mother of them all. And, no, I'm not being dramatic! I called my good ol' doc and he called me in some Amoxocillin. I took my first dose around lunchtime and tried to fall asleep, but my head was THROBBING, so that was unsuccessful. I kept taking my temperature and of course was starting to panic because it was rising everytime I took it and O M G YOU CAN'T HAVE A FEVER WHEN YOU'RE PREGNANT EITHER! So I did what every normal, level headed pregnant woman would do and FREAKED OUT! Not only was I sick and pregnant, but I was putting poisonous drugs in my body and now I'm going to have a fever and probably hard boil my egg! Waaaaaaaah! I also started feeling very dizzy and faintish and all I could picture was me laying on the floor passed out and no one would know it or find me. No, I'm STILL not dramatic! I called my doctors office after hours, and they referred me to the "on call" doctor. When I reached the doc, I broke down into a flood of tears (deal with it...I'm emotional these days) and explained to him that I was basically dying and wondered if he could save me. So he suggested I take a Tylenol and call him in a few hours if I still felt awful. So I went to the cabinet and grabbed the bottle and took another poisonous pill. Another panic attack- now I'm taking all kinds of things I feel like I shouldn't be and now feeling like a bad mother already. Boo.

After not being able to reach Brian or my mom, my lovely Aunt came to my rescue :) She helped calm me down and let me know that I was NOT poisoning my baby and that everything was going to be OK. My mom eventually called back and came up as well. I finally felt some peace. After an hour or so my temperature started going down and my head was slowly beginning to feel normal again. OK, drugs aren't so bad, Mmmmkay?!

Today has been one week since my sinuses punked me and I'm feeling much better. The mucus factory has slowed down its production somewhat. And "them books" say that when you're in preggo land you will produce way more fluids than normal...(ya think!)

Next up: Doctor appt on May 8th for a tummy check and to make sure everything is growing as it should be. So far I have gained 6lbs (freaked me out at first, now I'm ok with it), my hooblie bobs have gotten a lil bigger (amen) and I still do not have any sign of swelling, veins, or water retention (aka Kankles.) We will also get to hear the heartbeat again. Brian is going to record it on the old Blackberry so we can listen to it as often as we want :)

Happy almost-May everyone. The weather is getting nicer-whoo hoo! That means I get to get my preggo butt outside for some nice long relaxing walks. Looking forward to it!

Until next time, here's my 12wk photo- the first of many "belly pics" to come. Yes, the only way I could get Brian to take my picture during the golf tourney was to stand in front of the screen :) Enjoy!


Wednesday, April 15, 2009

SUBWAY....Eat Fresh!

Ok, this is getting reeeeediculous! I now have a new craving that is starting to scare me just a little bit! Saturday night Brian and I were headed to a local deli that has good food that I will actually eat since I'm so picky, only to find out they were CLOSED. Now what?!? Well, Subway was across the street and although I wasn't really a fan of Subway at this point in time, it was basically our only option other than fast food or pizza (which we've been eating way too much of, pizza that is!) SO...I agreed to eat there figuring I would just get a boring turkey sub, warmed of course so that I don't get meat heebeejeebees from eating cold meat. I went about my business, ordered my veggies, grabbed some apples & water and sat down to try to stomach this unfamiliar meal. I took one bite and I was in love. It was the most brilliant, amazing concoction that I had come up with and I couldn't get enough of it. Those who know me KNOW that I do not really love food this much, so this CLEARLY is due to the lil one growing inside me.

It is now Wednesday, and I have had Subway, the same exact sandwich of course, 5 times and will be having another one delivered to me while I'm teaching dance tonight bringing the total to now 6 times in 3 days. EwwwwwBoyyyyy... After having it for dinner last night, 2 hours later I was hungry for it again, but Brian said he would be absolutely mortified if I made him go back. He doesn't know what he's in for! :) I may have to hit up multiple Subways in the area before I start looking really pregnant or else the workers may think I'm nuts!

Well there it post about Subway. Mmm just saying it makes me hungry for it. Major brownie points to anyone who brings me Subway. I will leave my order below. Peace.

6in Turkey on Wheat TOASTED, No cheese, Cucumbers, Pickles, Salt & Pepper, Mustard, & Lite Mayo. Side of Doritos or Apples (depends on my mood) & Bottle of Water.

Love you PSK... thank you for making me crave Subway and not Bigmac's or loaded cheese fries. My thighs will thank you for it later :)

Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter!!

Happy Easter to All! What a long day it has been, but I am somehow mustering up some energy for a blog since I have been told I'm not blogging fast enough ;)

I have been starting to have more good days than bad lately, which is a HUGE plus! I think PSK is starting to feel bad for me and giving me a break for awhile, atleast I hope. We had another appointment on Good Friday, which was amazing. We got to hear PSK's heartbeat and it sounded like she was running a marathon- just like mommy. No I do not know if it is a she yet, but we'll just pretend for now until I know the proper diagnosis. It was truly an amazing sound- best I've ever heard! I got poked and probed of course, but that all went as well as it could go I guess. They also informed me that my due date has now changed to October 31st. Yep, I'm having a Pumpkin. We have another appointment on May 8th for another listen of the heartbeat and a tummy check (whatever THAT means!) THEN...the next appointment after that will be the dun dun dunnnnnnn..... BIG ONE!! I cannot wait for that one. Then let the planning (& shopping) begin! Fun stuff ahead, people, fun stuff ahead.

I'm still growing, gained about 4 pounds so far and thank goodness for my Bella Band. It's the only way I'm surviving these days. Apparently everyone who said "Oh, you'll just be so tiny and probably won't even show until your 7 months...etc" has totally jinxed me and I have now kissed being able to button my skinny jeans goodbye for a while. Oh well.

As far as the food department, I'm still able to eat mostly everything I did before. I have been trying to eat more meat and am getting better at it, I just have to mentally prepare myself for it first. I do have a new craving. Pickle Beets- very random and odd, I know. But they are soooo yummy right now. Polished a whole jar last week and the Easter bunny put 2 more jars in my basket today! Strawberry Cheesecake is still going strong as well. We'll see what else makes its way to my tastebuds.

Sleep. Non-existant right now. I'm still peeing 4,243 times through the night, making it ever-so-impossible to get a second of shut-eye. I know that this will only get worse as the weeks & months pass by. Glorious.

Energy- slowly getting better. I'm just getting off of Spring Break, and I do feel slightly refreshed. I have about 2 more months of dance left and then will be able to relax for the Summer. Zumba is still going well- I do feel like I'm sending PSK through the "spin cycle" sometimes, but I'm taking it easy most of the time. She may be doing the "Beto Shuffle" when she comes out :)

Well, I'm hungry now and all hopped up on sugar from this afternoon. Time to go put something nourishing in the belly for PSK. I'm sure she'll thank me for it later by bouncing on my bladder.

Until next time,

Jenn :)