Wow! As if I thought I didn't have sufficient time to blog BEFORE baby arrived! I don't even know where to begin. This past month has not only flown by, but it has been the start of a very special new life for us. Our baby girl is already a month old! She is doing wonderful and we couldn't be more in love with her.
She is still eating wonderfully and making MANY poopy and wet diapers. It is UNREAL how many diapers we go through in a day. She poops on me at least once a week, and when I say poops on me, I ain't kiddin'. I would also like to mention that she has the most "manly" gas ever and it's hysterical that such a small, delicate girl could produce such a sound and smell.
At her 1 month doctor's appointment she weighed in at 9lbs and almost 21 inches! She's a growing girl!!! We've been working on her tummy time trying to help her get a strong neck so she's not all bobble-headish on us. Tummy time is not her favorite though. She absolutely hates it and would rather chew on nails than to try to push her head up for us. Rolling over may happen soon though. She is a very strong girl once she gets all fired up from being on her tummy.
This past weekend was an absolutely FUN-shocking-surprise of a weekend! My BFFs from college came to visit and I had NO idea. Friday night I was just getting ready to put Bexleigh and myself to bed until Brian got home from a football game. My Mom and Bobby had been shopping and wanted to stop by and drop off something they got for Bexleigh. When they arrived, we were chatting for a bit and all of a sudden my two girls popped out of my kitchen! I was in such shock that I didn't know what to say or do, so I busted into tears of happiness! I couldn't believe that they were standing in my living room! I had just talked to Holly that day and she assured me, once again, that her and Jenny D would likely be coming in January to meet Bexleigh since that was the soonest they'd be "free." We all had an amazing weekend together and it will definitely be a weekend I'll remember forever. It meant the world to me to have them here while Bexleigh is still very new. 

Coming up this month...
We have our Alabama family coming to meet Bexleigh for Thanksgiving and we couldn't be more excited to see them!!! The next few months hold a lot of "1st's" for miss Bex and we're looking forward to that.
See you for Month # 2 readers!
Brian, Jenn & Bexleigh :)